sexta-feira, 24 de agosto de 2018

Lóvi S2

Today i've been thinking.. What IS Love?

Is it some kind of bed time story, that we are told in order to be able to sleep in peace? Or is it something that we will eventually find?

Should i look for it? Should i wait for it?

I don't know. But it seems like everybody has its own theory about it.

Some people say, you just look into somebodys eyes and then, boom! You found it. Lucky you.
Others say it is something you build over time. That, actually, everybody ends up saying.
But there are still some people that insist, that true love, usually comes out from a great friendship between a guy and a girl. To THAT, i can relate.

Because good friends, true friends, tell each other everything. They know your best and your worst. They know what makes you sad and what cheers you up. They know YOU.
What is best than coming home not just to the person you love, but to your best friend?
The person you want to tell everything, and by everything i mean every single thing. It should be the best, right?
Lucky you.
Lucky you who found your heart in the hands of your best friend.

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